Gintama Wiki

The Kihetai (鬼兵隊) is an extremist group where their main goal is to destroy the world that has become "rotten".


Kiheitai 鬼兵隊 literaly means Army of Demon Soldiers. Resurrected from the 義勇軍 gi yuu gun (volunteer army) from the Joui Wars.They allways go to the extreme in order to complete their objectives be it mass-producing bio-mechanical swords for their fighters, causing internal strife within the Shinsengumi 真選組 in order to wipe them out,to collaborating with the space pirates Harusame 春雨, this violent group stops at nothing to destabilize the world.Leader Takasugi Shinsuke even offered his Joui War comrades' heads to secure assistance from Harusame 春雨, namely Katsura Kotarou and Sakata Gintoki, as he explained in Episode 61.



Takasugi mug
Takasugi Shinsuke
高杉 晋助
Kawakami mug
Kawakami Bansai
河上 万斉
Matako mug
Kijima Matako
来島 また子
Takechi mug
Takechi Henpeita
武市 变平太


Hiraga-saburou mug
Hiraga Saburou
平賀 三郎
Okada-nizou mug
Okada Nizou
岡田 似蔵

Gintama Episode 19

